
需要坚韧的灌木? Find Inspiration at the Gas Station


Gas stations are where plants go to die. Shrubs at gas stations are totally neglected. They are never watered and are surrounded by heat-trapping rock mulch. The air is polluted, and the soil is soaked with gas and salt. Shrubs at gas stations are never pruned—usually they die first.

Any shrub that can survive at a gas station can survive in your landscape. The next time you fill up your car’s gas tank, take a moment to see if any of the plants nearby are surviving. You likely will see one of these rugged shrubs:

The toughest shrub may be 日本伏牛花 (如下所示). These durable plants come in a wide range of colors including purple, yellow and green. Barberry can withstand heat, 干旱 and poor soil. Its stems have sharp spines that make it deer-proof. Some scientists classify barberry as an invasive "weed," but that is not always a bad quality. 到4区是很困难的. 


A rugged shrub with beautiful flowers is potentilla (如下所示). Its bright golden flowers adorn the shrub all summer long. Native to our area, it thrives in our harsh climate.


粉红花绣线菊(如下所示)是坚韧的植物. Some spireas have green leaves while others have gold leaves. The most vigorous varieties have dark green leaves. These leaves are packed full of chlorophyll, which produces energy for plants. Keep in mind that gold-leaf spirea and other gold-leaf shrubs don’t have as much chlorophyll and are naturally weaker. Spireas耐4区.


If you need a hardy shrub with purple leaves, a great choice is ‘Diabolo’ ninebark. 它像钉子一样坚硬.

If fruits are important to you, consider aronia, a.k.a. 唐棣属灌木(如下所示). 它没有害虫, 生长迅速, bears blueberry-like fruits (unfortunately they taste bitter), 并有灿烂的红色秋天的颜色.


Everyone loves roses, but most roses require lots of maintenance. 想想红玫瑰(如下所示). 这些植物耐热。, 干旱, 盐和风嘿, that makes them perfect for us in North Dakota! Some varieties bloom all summer and have scarlet rose hips in winter. 

Popular selections include Blanc Double de Coubert (white), 小虫(粉色), Lotty’s Love (purple) and Fru Dagmar Hartopp (light pink).


If you need an evergreen, nothing is tougher than junipers (所示). These rugged shrubs are hardy, tolerate 干旱 and will survive in saline soils.


These “gas station plants” can survive the most brutal conditions your landscape can offer. But don’t treat your landscape like a gas station. Show a bit of love to your plants and they’ll reward you many times over.