


The inclusion of beef in young people’s diets and hands-on culinary learning has the potential to influence both health and life skills, 这两者都有助于4-氢的使命, 北达科他州和全国牛肉检查计划的优先事项. Investing in young people by teaching the art and science of safely preparing beef in an outdoor setting can provide 4-H youth with life skills, 食物文化, 健康生活方式的选择和潜在的, 职业发展技能.


  • 提高青少年对牛肉产品的兴趣和认识
  • 提高青少年对烧烤技术和方法的兴趣和知识
  • 提高青少年对膳食计划和食物准备的兴趣和知识
  • 帮助青少年获得食品安全知识和制作知识
  • Provide youth with a hands-on culinary learning opportunity to help them learn about meat products and preparation, 以及饮食中蛋白质的重要性
  • 帮助青少年发展生活技能, 食品素养和领导能力, and enhance their communication skills and self-confidence while improving their decision-making skills and ability to make healthful food choices


4-H 'ers和其他11至18岁的参与者被邀请加入乐趣.

  • 青少年组- 11至14岁
  • 高级组- 15至18岁


  • Participants may compete as an individual or as a county (or combined county) team of three to four 成员. 小球队可以与其他小球队合并. 每队可包括一名导师(青年或成人志愿者), 工业生产, 家长, 厨师或食品工业工人)在准备期间可以指导团队. 导师不能做团队的工作. 各县可以参加多个队伍. 在面对面的活动中,设备是有限的, 各县可以限制参赛队伍的数量.
  • The 4-H’ers should prepare the selected recipe enough times before the contest to be familiar with it. When the contest is held in-person, do not bring the dish already prepared to the contest. Participants should practice the recipe in the presence of a 家长 or guardian prior to the contest.
  • The team will prepare the main beef entrée and a side dish (salad, 长柄平底煎锅s or omelet, etc.),主打北达科他州出产的产品. Participants are encouraged to use up to three additional special ingredients (no home-processed products) to make their dish original. 现场活动将不提供冰箱. This means participants can bring only unopened items in original packaging or containers such as cans, 瓶, 或包.
  • 参加者必须遵守 食品安全程序 在准备菜的过程中.
  • 面对面活动:参与者将准备自己的食谱, transfer the dish to the provided serving plate and add any garnish before placing it on the judges’ table.
  • 虚拟活动:参与者将准备自己的食谱, take a picture from the top/side of the plate to show presentation of dish and a second picture with your main dish cut open so the judge can see the inside of your entrée.
  • 基本的烧烤设备(烤架), 长柄平底煎锅, 勺子, 刮刀, 量杯和搅拌碗, 砧板, 刀, 蔬菜削皮器, 开罐器, power cords and hot pad holders) will be provided to use in preparation of dishes when held in-person.
  • 不允许携带餐垫、餐巾纸、鲜花或小雕像等装饰品.
  • 每个团队/个人必须提交一份配方副本. An 8½- by 11-inch document holder, paper and markers will be provided when event is held in-person. 食谱应该包括配料、制作说明和份量.
  • Participants will give a brief (three- to five-minute) oral presentation on their final food product. 例如, 与会者可以讨论准备过程, 营养信息或事实和估计成本. 当面对面时,评委小组可能会向参赛者提问. For the virtual contest, participants will submit a 3 minute video discussing their product.
  • 出于安全考虑,烧烤时应穿贴身鞋和长裤. 4-H型的人应该衣着整洁. 如果可能的话,4-H成员应该穿着印有4-H标志的4-H t恤. Participants should secure their hair so loose hair cannot fall into the dish being prepared. 戴棒球帽是一种可以接受的方法.