


Budgeting Total Calories (FN720) Each person has a daily calorie budget. 卡路里是能量的单位. You spend calories to maintain body functions and provide energy for physical activity. If you take in more calories than you burn, you may “bank” the extra as body fat.

Find Your Balance Between Food and 体育活动 (FN721) Do you consider yourself to be physically active? You probably are more active than you think. According to the MyPlate recommendations at www.ChooseMyPlate.政府, being physically active is “movement of the body that uses energy.卡路里是能量的单位. You use up calories when you are active. The more time and intensity you put into an activity, the more calories you burn.

关注水果(FN722) 水果 are a great source of vitamins, minerals, fiber and phytochemicals (“phyto” means plant). The usual sweetness of fruits makes them an enjoyable food.

Get Your Calcium-rich Foods (FN723) The dairy group is an important part of the new food icon at www.ChooseMyPlate.政府 . MyPlate provides individual recommendations based on age, sex and activity level for each group. The online tool can help you with an eating plan personalized for you.

少吃蛋白质(FN724) Protein is important to have in your diet because it plays a part in the health and maintenance of the body. Choosing protein foods that are lean and low in cholesterol will give you the needed nutrients without the extra fat.

了解你的脂肪(FN725) 不是所有的脂肪都是一样的. To help us sort out information about nutrition, the food icon at www.ChooseMyPlate.政府 can help us choose a healthy eating plan that’s personalized for our age, sex and activity level.

Make at Least Have your Grains Whole Grains (FN726) 食物图标 www.ChooseMyPlate.政府 recommends that at least half of the grain foods in your diet be whole grains.

多样的蔬菜(FN727) 蔬菜 are a nutritional bargain. Most vegetables are naturally low in calories and fat and naturally have no cholesterol. Eating vegetables rich in potassium, 比如红薯, white beans and tomato products, 可能有助于减少骨质流失.

MyPlate Plans for Toddlers to Age 7 (FN1497) This chart was designed to provide an estimate of daily food needs based on the recommendations at www.choosemyplate.政府. On the following chart, find the child’s gender, age and activity level.

MyPlate Plans for 8- to 14-year-olds (FN1498) This chart was designed to provide an estimate of daily food needs based on the recommendations at www.choosemyplate.政府. On the following chart, find your gender, age and activity level. 用你的计划标记这一行. 访问 www.choosemyplate.政府 了解更多信息.

MyPlate Plans for 15 to 19 Year Olds (FN1499) This chart was designed to provide an estimate of daily food needs based on the recommendations at www.choosemyplate.政府. On the following chart, find your gender, age and activity level.