

(FN535, Reviewed August 2022)

从你抓到鱼到上桌的这段时间,对鱼的正确处理将有助于保持最佳的食用质量. Keep the following fish handling tips in mind.

Lead Author
Lead Author:
Julie Garden-Robinson, Ph.D., R.D., L.R.D., Food and Nutrition Specialist, NDSU Extension Service
Other Authors

Martin Marchello, Ph.D.新大动物科学系名誉教授

Web only
Publication Sections

Enjoy your Catch at its Best

Fish are fun to catch and nutritious to eat. 它们富含蛋白质,富含维生素和矿物质,饱和脂肪含量低. 鱼油富含多不饱和脂肪,可以降低血液中的胆固醇.

一份3.5盎司的鱼(烹饪前)能提供成人每日所需蛋白质的一半, depending on the species of fish, only 100 to 150 calories.

从你抓到鱼到上桌的这段时间,对鱼的正确处理将有助于保持最佳的食用质量. Keep the following fish handling tips in mind.

Care on the Water

Keep fish alive as long as possible. Fish flesh is very perishable.

  • A metal link basket or live box is best. 细绳会损坏肉,增加细菌污染的机会.
  • 如果水是热的,把鱼放在冰上或放在冷水中.
  • 不要把鱼扔到船底,否则鱼会变干,或者鱼的肉会被擦伤,容易受到污染.
  • Keep fish out of sunlight and direct heat.


  • 为了获得最佳的食用质量,不应该把鱼扔到冰上冷冻. 将鱼放入冰柜或聚苯乙烯冷却器中,以防止冷冻和脱水. Clean them prior to freezing.

Check fish for signs of disease or parasites.

  • 一条健康的鱼应该有结实的肉,没有变色或褐变的迹象, a mild fresh smell, bright clear eyes and red gills.
  • A diseased fish may have sunken eyes or “pop-eyes,” discolored skin, loose scales, open wounds or gills that are white and slimy or bloody.
  • 在某些情况下,如果去除患病区域,鱼是可以食用的. Fish should be thoroughly cooked.
  • 去掉可用的果肉后,不要把剩下的扔回水中. Dispose of them properly.
  • Decide on the fate of the fish immediately. If you do not want them, 立即释放它们,而不是等到一天结束时再做决定, when they may have a reduced chance for survival.
  • 如果你发现肉上有不正常的生长,请与当地的游戏和鱼类代表联系.

Fish in safe waters.

  • 有些水可能被杀虫剂或其他物质污染. 有关捕鱼水域安全的信息,请联系当地卫生部门.
  • 污染物集中在鱼的脂肪部分. To reduce your risk of consuming contaminants, remove the skin and fat deposits when you clean fish, or use fillets instead of whole fish. 选择一种去除多余脂肪的烹饪方法,比如烘烤、烤或炭烤.

Care in Cleaning and Storage

Clean and cool fish as soon as possible. Time and heat can rob freshness and flavor.

  • Fish spoil rapidly due to their strong digestive juices. 如果鱼没有及时清洗,可能会产生异味.
  • You will need a sharp knife, 一条干净的毛巾或纸巾(冲洗后擦拭鱼), plastic bags and crushed ice in an ice chest.
  • Use a clean fillet knife to clean the fish. Bleed the fish. 像对待任何狩猎动物一样,割断它的喉咙,去掉它的鳃和内脏. 用干净的布或纸巾擦拭鱼的表面, put the fish in a plastic bag, and put on ice.
  • 如果做鱼片,用干净的冷水冲洗鱼,去除血液、细菌和酶.

Don’t cross-contaminate. Clean the knife after each use.

  • When you clean fish at home, wash your hands, 每次使用后用温肥皂水清洗刀和砧板.

Store cleaned, 新鲜的鱼放在40华氏度或更低的冰箱里,并在两天内用完.

  • Fish should be kept moist but not wet.

Cleaned fish may be frozen whole or as fillets.

  • 传统上,鱼刚从水里捞出来就被整条冷冻. This practice is not recommended, because deterioration may occur, and poor eating quality may result.
  • 包装不当的冷冻鱼可能会脱水, suffer “freezer burn”— due to contact with air. This condition negatively affects taste and texture.
  • 把鱼分成家庭份数,用塑料保鲜膜做内层,用防潮/防蒸汽的冷冻保鲜膜做外层. 面包袋、蜡纸和玻璃纸都是很差的冷冻包装.
  • 记得从包装中挤出空气,以防止变质或酸败的气味.
  • If freezer space is available, 较小的鱼可以放在塑料容器里, in clean wax- or plastic-lined milk containers, and then frozen.
  • Label each package with the contents and date.
  • The temperature of the freezer should be 0 F or lower. When freezing large amounts of food, 把包装分散放在冰箱里,这样食物就能快速冻结.

Care in Preparation and Preservation

Prepare fish properly. Cook fish until it flakes with a fork.

  • Don’t cross-contaminate. Keep raw fish and cooked fish separate.
  • 将鱼片放入冰箱、微波炉或冷水中解冻. 在微波炉中解冻的食物应立即煮熟. Other thawed fish should be used within one to two days.
  • 未煮熟的鱼是有风险的,而过度煮熟的鱼则会导致难吃的产品.
  • Fish is generally low in fat and very tender. Moist heat cooking methods are unnecessary. 最好采用能产生风味的方法,如烤、烘烤或油炸.


  • After cleaning the fish, cut it into uniform pieces. 不要让鱼在不冷藏的情况下放置超过两个小时.
  • Salt is a preservative. 鱼必须在适当的盐水中腌制一段适当的时间. 一般来说,将鱼浸泡在浓盐水(一杯盐/7杯水)中1小时就足够了.
  • After salting, 鱼必须被加热到内部温度160华氏度,并在这个温度下保持至少30分钟.
  • 如果熏鱼要在两周内食用,请将其存放在冰箱中.
  • For long-term storage, smoked fish should be frozen. 它也可以按照目前的压力罐装建议保存.

For further information, see:

  • 鹿和麋鹿从野外到餐桌的护理和处理袖珍指南(FN536)
  • 从野外到餐桌照顾及处理猎禽袖珍指南(FN537)
  • Wild Side of the Menu No. 1 - Care and Cookery (FN124)
  • Wild Side of the Menu No. 2 - Field to Freezer (FN125)
  • Wild Side of the Menu No. 3 - Preservation of Game Meats and Fish (FN155)
  • Sausage Production in the Home - An Art (FN176)
  • Food Freezing Guide (FN403)

Reviewed November 2017

NDSU Extension