
Field to Fork Mint

(1937年1月复核. 2020)

Learn about growing, storing and preserving mint, and view cooking tips and recipes using mint.

Julie Garden-Robinson博士.D., R.D., L.R.D.,食品和营养专家



You might enjoy the refreshing flavor and aroma of peppermint or spearmint-flavored foods and beverages. Other mint varieties, such as chocolate, apple and pineapple mint, are available in some locations. Try growing and preserving mint at home and have this fresh herb available to use in your kitchen.


Mint can be grown from seed, or small plants are available for purchase at many garden centers. Peppermint is hardy in North Dakota but most other mints will die unless brought indoors or mulched during the winter.

Mint will thrive in a rich, moist soil that receives full to partial sun. Add an inch or two of compost, peat moss or rotted manure before planting.

Keep in mind that mint can grow aggressively and spread easily in a gardening space. To contain the spread of mint, some gardening experts prefer planting mint in containers. 删除 花和掐茎使植株保持浓密.

Water the mint plants regularly, but do not over水 because over水ing can promote diseases. 如果你选择施肥, follow the directions carefully; most of the time a single application of a slow-release fertilizer is enough for the season.

You can share your mint plants with others by taking a cutting and placing it in a container of 水 until roots appear. 插枝也很容易在沙土或盆栽土中生根.


Mint leaves or sprigs can be harvested throughout the season and stored in a glass of 水 or wrapped in plastic in the refrigerator for up to one week. 当薄荷的油到达时收获 在干燥、阳光明媚的日子里,它们的味道在上午晚些时候达到顶峰.

最年轻、最小的叶子往往是最美味的. 后 harvest, be sure to rinse the herbs and stems thoroughly and pat dry with paper toweling.


Mint can be used fresh or can be dried for longer-term storage.

用电吹风: 把花茎绑成一个小束. 把这一捆放在一个棕色纸袋里. The bag will protect the plant from dust and other contaminants. Additionally, the bag helps prevent the drying leaves from falling onto the ground. 把袋子放在阴凉、黑暗的房间里大约两周. 这种植物一旦完全干燥就很容易裂开. 后 drying, remove the leaves from the stems and crush, if desired. 放入容器中,如带盖的玻璃罐. 保存在阴凉、黑暗的地方.

烘箱干燥或脱水机干燥: Cover a baking sheet with parchment paper and place the herbs on top of the pan. Put the herbs in a conventional oven set at 100 F and bake until the plant is brittle and crumbles easily. Be sure to check the herb often while heating to prevent burning. Follow the manufacturer’s directions if you use a food dehydrator.

冻结: Like other herbs, mint can be frozen in air-tight freezer bags. 冲洗, 沥干并拍干, 然后把茎上的叶子去掉, spread in a single layer on a cookie sheet and freeze for 30 minutes. 然后放入标有内容物和日期的冷冻袋中. 或者,把香草切碎,放在冰块托盘里. 用水覆盖并冷冻. Place the cubes in freezer bags labeled with the contents and date.


薄荷常与猪肉或羊肉搭配. 在英国,烤羊肉通常配上薄荷酱. Mint is used in Middle Eastern dishes, such as the tabbouleh salad recipe featured in this handout. 薄荷也被用来制作冷饮和热饮. 享用薄荷茶, 在沸水中加入几片薄荷叶, 然后浸泡5分钟. 如果需要,可以加入甜味剂.



5-6个大柠檬,1毫升. 果汁
1/3 c. 薄荷叶
¾ c. 糖
8 c. 水

Cut lemons and squeeze juice over strainer into liquid measuring cup. Add 薄荷叶 and ¼ cup 糖 to pitcher and mash together with wooden spoon. Once mashed, add the 柠檬汁 to the pitcher and stir until 糖 is dissolved. 倒入水. 加入剩余的糖,搅拌至溶解. 冷藏至少两小时. 如果需要,在食用前过滤.

做九份(1杯). Each serving has 70 calories, 0 g fat, 0 g protein, 19 g carbohydrate, 0 g fiber and 10 mg sodium.


1¾ c. mint juice (1½ cups firmly packed fresh mint and 2¼ cups 水)
3½ c. 糖
2汤匙. 柠檬汁
1 (3-oz.)袋装液体果胶

如果你从来没有罐头,看看 www.ag.0933282516.com/food 复习一下乐虎电子水浴罐装的讲义.

Sterilize canning jars and prepare two-piece canning lids according to manufacturer’s directions.

To prepare mint juice, wash mint, crush leaves and stems or finely chop. 放入平底锅,加水,迅速烧开. 关火,盖上盖子,静置10分钟. (如果需要的话,可以加入几滴绿色食用色素.)滤去薄荷. 丢弃薄荷.

To make jelly, measure 1¾ cups mint juice into a large saucepot. 加入糖和柠檬汁搅拌. Place on high heat, stir constantly and bring to a full boil that cannot be stirred down. 加入液体果胶,再次加热至沸腾. 煮一分钟. 删除 from heat; quickly skim off foam. Pour hot jelly immediately into hot, sterile jars, leaving ¼ inch head space. Wipe rims of jars with a dampened clean paper towel; adjust two-piece metal canning lids.

Process in a 沸腾的水-bath canner for five minutes at elevations up to 1,000英尺, 离1点10分钟,001 to 6,在海拔6英尺以上的地方需要15分钟,000英尺.


Serve with roasted lamb or chicken, or as a dessert topping for chocolate or vanilla ice cream. Try topping cream cheese with mint jelly and serving with crackers. 

食谱来源:So Easy to Preserve,第6版. 2014. Bulletin 989, Cooperative 扩展 Service, the University of Georgia, Athens. 


¼ c. 橄榄油
¼ c. 柠檬汁
1 c. 碎小麦
1 c. 沸腾的水
1 c. 圣女果,去籽并切碎
½ c. 欧芹,切碎
½ c. 葱花,切碎
2½汤匙. 鲜薄荷碎

Whisk oil, 柠檬汁 and garlic in small bowl to blend; set aside. 将碾碎的面粉放入大碗中,加入沸水搅拌. Let stand until bulgur is tender and 水 is absorbed, about 15 minutes. 加入番茄、欧芹、葱和薄荷. Add oil mixture; toss to blend. 用盐和胡椒粉调味. 放置至少30分钟以混合各种味道.

做10份(半杯). Each serving has 100 calories, 6 g fat, 2 g protein, 12 g carbohydrate, 3 g fiber and 5 mg sodium.


c. =杯                     g =克                 公斤公斤

茶匙. =茶匙mg =毫克盎司. =盎司

汤匙. =汤匙

这本书的出版经费是由美国政府资助的.S. Department of 农业’s Agricultural Marketing Service through grant AM170100XXXXG005. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not 必然代表了美国农业部的官方观点.

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