RLND X级,靠近彩绘峡谷

解锁见解:RLND X级研讨会3亮点-农村资源和杀鹿问题



由研讨会管理团队:Christie Jaeger, Emma Cook和Denise Andress撰写

2月14日至16日,北达科他州农村领导(RLND) X班在基尔迪尔召开, 2024年农村资源与问题研讨会.  All attendees arrived Tuesday night due to the long distance travel to reach western North Dakota! 研讨会在鹿区救护服务处的会议室开始. 经过对研讨会2的反思, the class discussed and confirmed our class ground rules followed by Katie’s challenge to all of us for Random Acts of Kindness week. 我们和安德里亚·鲍曼一起报道了社区首都, NDSU领导与公民参与推广项目协调员. 在这个引人入胜的会议中, we learned how the systems thinking model of Community Capitals resources create healthy communities. We shared ideas of what constitutes each capital and how challenging some of these can be for rural communities and leaders.
Class X enjoyed a delicious authentic Mexican lunch from Garcia Tacos as we listened to our guest speaker, 特蕾莎修女德沃夏克, 和她的家人一起经营山谷农场的人, 一个安格斯小牛牧场和一个背景和小母牛发展饲养场. Teresa gave the class insight into the complexities involved in producing and transporting agricultural products to consumers as she shared her family’s ownership of 6 in 1 Meats and Dunn Burgers. 通过直接向消费者提供牛肉, 既可以通过个人购买,也可以通过当地学校和养老院购买, 特蕾莎对社区和农业的领导和承诺是显而易见的.
我们继续和我们的领导一起工作, 凯蒂·泰勒, 乐虎电子领导力挑战的讨论. Our time at Killdeer Area Ambulance could not be complete without a presentation and tour from Dustin Lien, 紧急医疗服务中心副主任. Dustin is an accomplished leader who shared the history of EMS in general and specifically the Killdeer Area Ambulance as their call volume kept increasing throughout the oil boom in the area. 他分享了他们在广阔的服务区域和地形上所面临的挑战.  Dustin gave all of us insight into the complex factors that shape rural communities in the region.
RLND X级靠近Killdeer
然后,X班在基尔迪尔以北和以西15英里处拼车, 还有令人惊叹的基尔迪尔山、油井和钻井平台的景色, 参加泰拉德·邦的商业小牛养殖之旅. We were able to experience firsthand the natural resources relationship to communities and ND agriculture in action as we followed Terrald through his pens, 了解他的奶牛和他们对面正在钻探的油井! Terrald’s dedication to his cattle and the land was clear and he also shared the succession story of his ranch to his son and his family and the legacy he has created.
The day concluded at the American Legion in Killdeer graciously hosted by Greg Benz of the Killdeer American Legion. 除了美味的鸡肉培根千层面晚餐, the evening’s highlight was the announcement of the location of RLND CLASS X’s INTERNATIONAL STUDY SEMINAR! 我们班受到凯蒂·泰勒和科里·麦卡斯基的挑战, RLND理事会主席及RLND五年级校友, 到一个拼旗子的游戏, 我们旅行的货币和食物. Class X was thrilled to learn they will be traveling to Ghana in Western Africa in February 2025!!!!! The evening concluded with some facts and history of Ghana and what to expect on the international seminar.
周四上午, Class X began with a discussion on leadership projects and how they projects will impact community capitals. 许多人还在基尔迪尔的老乌鸦角享用咖啡和早餐.
然后,X班前往OneOk的熊溪工厂,在那里听取了卡梅隆·科斯特莱克的演讲, 工厂经理, 乐虎电子OneOk的历史和目前的运营. Cameron spoke on OneOk’s company values and the important role they play in the company’s daily operations and in fostering leadership and growth at all levels. The class was able to engage in valuable discussion on OneOk’s operations in North Dakota and the important role they play in the energy industry across the country. The class was also able to experience the industry’s relationship and commitment to rural communities in North Dakota and the ND Agricultural industry.
吃午饭, Class X traveled to JD’s BBQ in Dickinson where class members had an opportunity to give a quick overview of their leadership projects to their classmates. 接着,同学们欢迎了黛布·纳尔逊, DLN咨询公司的老板,他做了一个乐虎电子Vision West组织的信息丰富的演讲. The class learned about how Vision West Consortium was created to address the unique challenges and opportunities that exist in Western North Dakota and how important it is to have representation from community and industry to move these initiatives forward.
如果不去荒地旅行,西方国家的研讨会是不完整的, so after lunch Class X loaded the bus and headed to Painted Canyon to take in the beautiful view of the terrain.
rld X级访问XTO能源
在回鹿城的路上, Class X stopped at an XTO Energy well pad to hear from their team on their current operations and the important role that XTO plays in the energy industry in North Dakota. X级很清楚,XTO对他们运营的社区有专门的承诺. XTO also emphasized the importance of their company values and fostering leadership at all levels of the organization.
X班在基尔德的鹿皮烧烤店举行了领导晚宴,结束了这一天. 班级成员有机会与当地领导人和以前的RLND校友建立联系. 一顿美味的晚餐后, the class heard from former ND Senate majority leader Rich Wardner on the importance of leadership development in North Dakota. Rich’s passion and dedication to the state was evident in his remarks and served as a message of inspiration as Class X continues their leadership journey.
RLND X级与ND野味和鱼
RLND X级与ND野味和鱼
星期五早上, Class X met at the Killdeer Aquatics and Wellness Center and were treated to a delicious breakfast treat of caramel rolls and coffee! 我们的演讲嘉宾来自北达科他州狩猎和渔业部门. 斯科特·彼得森, 渔猎局副局长兼本会委员, 介绍了该部的一般情况及其运作方式. 李维·雅各布森, 野味及鱼类野生动物资源管理主管及香港湿地公园第七届校友, 讨论了野生动物管理区和其他ND为土地所有者提供的项目. 肯特Luttschwager, 位于威利斯顿的野味及鱼类野生动物资源管理科组长, shared the challenges that their department has had with the oil boom and managing habitat for wildlife. All three speakers’ leadership and dedication to conservation and the trust they work to build with constituents, 很明显,很受欢迎.
在关闭, 我们讨论了研讨会3的高潮和低谷, 我们未来在华盛顿和明尼阿波利斯举办的研讨会, and reflected on how all the community leaders we have met over the first three seminars fit into the leadership challenge.
我们非常感谢本次研讨会的赞助商:XTO能源, 埃克森美孚的子公司, OneOk, Jacam催化剂, 以及Anthony和Jodi Larson (RLND五年级和七年级校友). 如果没有我们赞助商的慷慨支持,RLND研讨会的成功是不可能的.